January 08, 2013


Hi Harriett,
Here is one of your "charges", happily asleep in Brevard after a typical day of digging in the dirt, walking on leash to the College and running free, hunting for field mice. 

We love the girl so much. She's now been with us for 2 years. Although it was very much touch and go for the first year (she had lots of issues), she is doing just great. She goes on a weekly hike in the (Pisgah) Forest for several hours and has her own backpack. What a good life she has. When we walk to town there are several stores we frequent: Pure Pets, Harris Hardware, a shoe store, Chamber of Commerce, an athletic wear store, the dentist (if I need to drop something off), the Antique Mall, Riversong Veterinary Cliinic, certain art galleries, Hunter-Gathrers, and quirky shops. Let's not forget Lowe's but, that's not downtown.  So there's your 2-year update. Take care and when we're in Atlanta, as you know, we take her to Wellpet Humane, as needed. 
