I instantly texted my then girlfriend Candice a picture of 'Lily' and feverishly called her. "I'm in love and we have to adopt her!" I nervously waited until Monday morning and called you inquiring about her. She wasn't quite old enough to adopt and was getting spayed that week. We discussed the process and I began an anxious week praying she would still be available the following weekend. Luckily for us, she was.
We arrived at Pet Supermarket to see Lily laying over top of her brother Max. An adorable and heart-melting sight, it didn't take us long to see that Lily was protecting her brother.
We moved fast in adopting her and our lives would never be the same. We've moved a few times, getting (now Lilly Ann) a big yard and plenty of sidewalks to take walks, gotten and changed jobs, and gotten married. Through all this time, the one constant was Lilly's unyielding love and protective nature. There's not a day that goes by that we are not thankful that we found Ruffus Rescue. Thank you so much for all your hard work and love for finding these wonderful animals loving homes!