I just wanted to give you an update on Scarlet. She is doing really
well and, to all of my friends and family, she is lovingly known as my
"shadow." Scar is extremely loyal and wants nothing more than to just be
near me at all times. She has become a big fan of the beach here in
North Carolina, and we walk together about two hours every day. You
should advertise dog adoption as a guaranteed weight-loss plan because
I've already shed more than 10lbs just from walking her! Scarlet has
even learned how to do sit, down, stay, drop-it and "come" - which has
been a small miracle (I'm sure you remember her energy level). I love
this little dog more than anything in the world, and I can't thank you
enough for the guidance that you provided me when I was going through
the adoption. Scarlet and I are approaching our one-year anniversary,
and I can't seem to remember what life was like before her. You and
Ruffus Rescue do amazing work, and I wish you all the
very best! I hope all of your doggies get adopted on Christmas Eve, so
that all of the Ruffus Rescue people can relax!
Jennifer and Scarlet
P.S. I've attached some photos of her. What a character!