Hi Harriett, Just thought you would like to know that Chip has become quite the US traveler. So much so, that every time the car moves he thinks he should be in it :o) He absolutely loves to ride in the car. When I first got him, he would get car sick whenever we went for a ride, but that's all a distant memory now. Our temporary apartment complex in Orlando has ducks, so he and Kirby are having a ball trying to chase them. I am trying to train them NOT to chase them. Wish me luck!

Hi Harriett!
Just wanted to pass along to you that we appreciate all your hard work in regards to the treatment of the animals and in finding them homes. We’re so happy we encountered you and your operation – Jasper is a huge and wonderful addition to our family. He truly brings us joy every time we see him! He’s extremely playful, very gentle, a neighborhood favorite, and so in tune with our moves and actions that it’s scary at times!
I also mentioned that our 6yr. old son had been given an assignment in his first grade class to take a picture of something that’s important to him in his household, and to bring in and share on a projector with his classmates. Without hesitation, he took a couple of pictures of Jasper - and it was very well received with a lot of “oooh’s and aaah’s” according to his teachers! Thanks Harriett, and keep up the good work!
Hi Harriett,
I just wanted to update you that Kirby (Buster) is an irreplaceable part of our family now, after arriving here 3 weeks ago. Sasha loves him, and they have the best time playing and sleeping together. We can't imagine our lives without both of our babies - and we're indebted to you for rescuing them! Here is a picture of the new siblings together. Please take care and keep up the great work!
Ben & Bettina
Hi Harriett. My husband and I adopted Dottie from Ruffus Rescue in January of this year, and we now have no idea what we ever did without her! Dottie seems happy and healthy, and she is extremely well-behaved in the house. She still isn’t great on a leash, but we’re working on it! We enjoy her so much, and I just wanted to thank you (and her foster mom) for everything you do.